“For years, I have been trying to dispel that old adage that all security companies are alike.” There are a number of glaring differences. Sal Sottile, Sottile Security Owner

Sal Sottile Citizens Police Academy Valedictorian
Owning and operating a family owned security guard services company is an incredible privilege. For the past thirty-five years we have provided our customers with trust, commitment and dedication, as we fully understand relationships matter.
Our service goes far beyond selecting a guard for a location. Our management commitment and involvement reflects a company that is fully invested in providing consistent transparent services. For years sadly, many security companies have been providing security guards who are; poorly screened, lightly trained and generally unmotivated. Simply dressing in a security uniform, does not translate to being a security guard. At Sottile Security, we do our daily business much differently.
From the very start, each security guard applicant selected is individually interviewed, professionally screened, once approved, orientated, site trained, and required to pass a written site knowledge test. Every customer location we serve has an individual site knowledge test designed to challenge the industry status quo. It doesn't stop there. We have a cadre of cross trained guards and supervisors who serve as site instructors and company ambassadors.
Collectively, we have written over 20 industry specific publications and manuals, each concentrating on categories such as: site safety, protection planning, patrols techniques, security applications, applicant screening, hiring, training, residential, retail and commercial security. We have employee promotional classes, advancement opportunities and offer free certificate training programs.
While most security companies purchase “boilerplate” procedural manuals, we find it advantageous to produce our own. Our publications have become so popular, that interested security companies have asked us to produce materials for their Human Resource and Operations departments.
We never use a “one size fits all” cookie cutter approach to security assignments. We fully study a site, offer suggestions, provide analysis and provide significant improvements based on experience and proven planning.
Sal Sottile
Sottile Security International, Inc.